Containers and Positions (This is the best one)
- Iterators provide a uniform interface for accessing data–regardless of how the data is laid out in memory.
To abstract and unify the different ways of storing elements in the various implementations of a list, we introduce a data type that abstracts the notion of the relative position or place of an element within a list. Such an object might naturally be called a position.
Because we want this object not only to access individual elements of a list, but also to move around in order to enumerate all the elements of a list, we adopt the convention used in the C++ Standard Template Library, and call it an iterator.
A container is a data structure that stores any collection of elements. We assume that the elements of a container can be arranged in a linear order.
A position is defined to be an abstract data type that is associated with a particular container and which supports the following function.
A position is always defined in a relative manner, that is, in terms of its neighbors.
Unless it is the first or last of the container, a position q
is always “after” some position p
and “before” some position r
- A position q, which is associated with some element e in a container, does not change, even if the index of e changes in the container, unless we explicitly remove e. - Moreover, the position q does not change even if we replace or swap the element e stored at q with another element.
(This means the iterator is separate from the object…(?)).
Although a position is a useful object, it would be more useful still to be able to navigate through the container, for example, by advancing to the next position in the container. Such an object is called an iterator. - An iterator is an extension of a position. - It supports the ability to access a node’s element, but it also provides the ability to navigate forwards (and possibly backwards) through the container
A container is an abstract data structure that supports element access through iterators
1 | - begin(): returns an iterator to the first element |
###### Vector vs. List (not in ppt)
“Vector in C++ is nothing but a container to store the elements in the computer memory. It is implemented as a dynamic array internally which can resize itself upon the successful insertion and deletion of elements. As it is implemented as an array so the elements are stored in the contiguous memory locations and can be traversed easily using the iterator and accessed through random access by providing the index. Default memory is pre-allocated for the array in case of working with the Vector. Insertion of an element in the Vector by default takes place at the end of an array.
List in C++ is also a container (data structure) and stores the elements in non-contiguous memory locations. List implements the doubly linked list to store the elements having the address (pointed out by the pointers) for the next and previous elements in order for the easy backward and forward traversal. For every new insertion of the element, memory is dynamically allocated and is linked with the nodes of other elements through pointers. So there is no need for the default memory allocation in the case of List.””
6.2.2 The List ADT
This ADT supports the following functions for a list L
and an iterator p
for this list
1 | ##Iterators: |
The functions insertFront(e) and insertBack(e) are provided as a convenience.
Similarly, eraseFront and eraseBack can be performed by the more general function erase.
1 | insertFront(e) // insert(L.begin(), e) //same thing |
An error condition occurs if an invalid position is passed as an argument to one
of the list operations. Reasons for a position p to be invalid include:
• p was never initialized or was set to a position in a different list
• p was previously removed from the list
• p results from an illegal operation, such as attempting to perform ++p, where p = L.end()
, that is, attempting to access a position beyond the end position.
We do not check for these errors in our implementation. Instead, it is the responsibility of the programmer to be sure that only legal positions are used.
Operation | Output | L |
insertFront(8) | - | (8) |
p = begin() | p : (8) | (8) |
insertBack(5) | - | (8,5) |
q = p; ++q | q : (5) | (8,5) |
p == begin() | true | (8,5) |
insert(q,3) | - | (8,3,5) |
* q = 7 | - | (8,3,7) |
insertFront(9) | - | (9,8,3,7) |
eraseBack() | - | (9,3,8) |
erase(p) | - | (9,3) |
eraseFront() | - | (3) |
For these operations, pay attention to where p is. Even though insertFront() happened, it doesn’t change the position of the iterator p
, which was originally at 8.
6.2.3 Doubly Linked List Implementation (List / NodeList)
Iterator Implementation
Our iterator object is called Iterator.
To users of class NodeList, it can be accessed by the qualified type name NodeList::Iterator
Its definition is placed in the public part of NodeList
An element associated with an iterator can be accessed by overloading the dereferencing operator,
.In order to make it possible to compare iterator objects, we overload the == and != operators
We provide the ability to move forward or backward in the list by providing the increment and decrement operators (“++” and “– –”)
We declare NodeList to be a friend class in the Iterator so that it may access the private members of Iterator
The private data member of Iterator class consists of a pointer v to the associated node of the list
A private constructor in Iterator initializes the node pointer
The constructor is private so that only NodeList is allowed to create new iterators
1 | struct Node { |
1 | class Iterator { |
Observe that the increment and decrement operators not only update the position, but they also return a reference to the updated position. This makes it possible to use the result of the increment operation, as in “q = ++p
1 | typedef int Elem; //list base element type |
1 | NodeList::NodeList() { |
1 | //insert e before p |
STL Iterators in C++
STL list is implemented as a doubly linked list.
1 |
Note that, when the base type of an STL vector is class object, all copying of elements (for example, in push back) is performed by invoking the base class’s copy constructor. Whenever elements are destroyed (for example, by invoking the destroyer or the pop back member function) the class’s destructor is invoked on each deleted element
STL Functions
is equal to insertFront()
is equal to insertBack()
pop_front()is equal to
pop_back()is equal to
1 | list(n): Construct a list with n elements; if no argument list is given, an empty list is created. |
6.2.5 STL Containers and Iterators (This is the best one)
Recall that a container is a data structure that stores a collection of elements.
STL Containers
STL Containers | Description |
Vector | Vector |
deque | Double ended queue |
list | List (doubly linked list) |
stack | Last in, first-out |
queue | First in, first out queue |
priority_queue | priority queue |
set (and multiset) | Set (and multiset) |
map (and multimap) | Map (and multi-key map) |
Different containers organize their elements in different ways, and hence support different methods for accessing individual elements. STL iterators provide a relatively uniform method for accessing and enumerating the elements stored in containers.
Example: Summing elements in a vector without an interator
1 | int vectorSum1(const vector<int>& V) { |
Unfortunately, this method would not be applicable to other types of containers, because it relies on the fact that the elements of a vector can be accessed efficiently through indexing. This is not true for all containers, such as lists. What we desire is a uniform mechanism for accessing elements.
Example: Summing elements in a vector with an iterator
- Suppose, for example, that C is of type vector.
- The associated iterator type is denoted “
.”- In general, the iterator type would be denoted:
- In general, the iterator type would be denoted:
- The associated iterator type is denoted “
1 | int vectorSum2(vector<int> V) { |
Although this approach is less direct than the approach based on indexing individual elements, it has the advantage that it can be applied to any STL container class, not just vectors.
Types of Iterators
Iterator Type | Description | Extra Information |
Bidirectional Iterator | supports both ++p and –p | Lists, Sets, Maps |
Random-access Iterator | supports any addition and subtraction (p + i), (p - i | Vectors, deque |
const_iterator | provides read only access to elements | |
iterator | allows both read-write access to elements |
Each STL container type C supports iterators
- C::iterator – read/write iterator type
- C::const_iterator – read-only iterator type
- C.begin(), C.end() – return start/end iterators
- p+i and p-i is supported by some containers
Const Iterators
Look at the following code:
1 | int vectorSum2(vector<int> V) { |
- Recall, it’s more efficient to pass a vector by a constant reference:
const vector<int>&
- However, many STL implementations will generate an error if we attempt to use a regular iterator, since it may lead to an attempt to modify the vector’s contents.
- The solution is a const iterator. This results in the iterator being able to read values by dereferencing the iterator, but not possible to assign it a value.
- However, many STL implementations will generate an error if we attempt to use a regular iterator, since it may lead to an attempt to modify the vector’s contents.
1 | int vectorSum3(const vector<int>& V) { |
Types of Containers
Container Type | Description | Extra |
Sequence container | store elements in order | vector, list, deque |
associated container | accessed by associated key value | set, multiset, multimap |
Iterator-based container functions:
- A convention with iterator ranges is that it starts with p and ends just prior to q. -
Let V be an STL vector of some given base type, and let e be an object of this base type. Let p and q be iterators over this base type, both drawn from the same container.
1 | vector(p,q): Construct a vector by iterating between p and q, copying each of these elements into the new vector. |
1 | *p: access current element |
Extra: Worthile to Mention
It is worthwhile noting that, in the constructor and assignment functions, the iterators p and q do not need to be drawn from the same type of container as V, as long as the container they are drawn from has the same base type. For example, suppose that L is an STL list container of integers. We can create a copy of L in the form of an STL vector V as follows:
1 | list<int> L; // an STL list of integers |
Using vector(p,q) to initialize contents of an STL container from a standard C++ array
- Recall pointer arithmetic. A[] points to A[0]. A + 1 points to A[1], etc.
- Even though pointers A and (A + 5) are not STL iterators, they essentially behave as they were. The same trick can be used to initialize any STL sequence containers.
1 | int A[ ] = {2, 5, −3, 8, 6}; // a C++ array of 5 integers |
STL Vectors and Algorithms (not in ppt)
1 | sort(p,q): Sort the elements in the range from p to q in ascending order. It is assumed that less-than operator (“<”) is defined for the base type. |
An Illustrative Example
1 |